a k t u e l l
a r c h i v
ü b e r   u n s
k o n t a k t
i m p r e s s u m
in der ZeitZone
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Am Ostseeplatz eG
Galerie ZeitZone
Galerie ZeitZone, Adalbertstr. 79, 10997 Berlin. Geöffnet Do Fr Sa ab 19.00
Unsere Räume können für private Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.
Samstag, 12. November 2011


Flavia is a singer and pianist, songwriter, performer etc from Holland who sings passionately not just about love and pain but also about the more important things in life like vegetables and facial hair.

A mix between cabaret, jazz, blues and chansons with a hint of chili

Mohlavyr a.k.a Ulrika Mohlin is an artist from Sweden known for her quirky lyrics and playful performances. She often switches instruments and brings prop up on stage which complement her songs.
At present she works on the finishing of her first album "Fish in Trees" which will be released in January 2012.
Mohlavyr - Art is music, music is art.

Acoustic, chanson influenced pop.
"...like Tom Waits performing the songs of Edit Piaf... or vice versa".
Sepia Chord

Mohlavyr music video to the single track "No One"
Released 10th of September 2011.

Visit the website for more info, music and videos.