a k t u e l l
a r c h i v
ü b e r   u n s
k o n t a k t
i m p r e s s u m
in der ZeitZone
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Am Ostseeplatz eG
Galerie ZeitZone
Galerie ZeitZone, Adalbertstr. 79, 10997 Berlin. Geöffnet Do Fr Sa ab 19.00
Unsere Räume können für private Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.

Freitag 11. November 2022, ab 19 Uhr

"Boiling Roots"

As the rain moistens the rock and the people who sat on it slid away. Where did they go and who were they? Now and then nearby something shines prettily: diamonds or precious stones? Only the fragments of broken bottles.

On Friday 11th November 2022, the three friends Sevin Özdemir (aka Crapulerie), Emiliii (La Barbonessa) and Eddie Fischer invite all and everybody to Galerie ZeitZone for their exhibition "Boiling Roots" in which they will present a variety of work, old and new. The exhibition will consist of drawings, paintings, photos and sculptures.