L á s z l ó   K E R E K E S

  • born 1954 in Stara Moravica, Vojvodina / Yugoslavia (recently Serbia)
  • From 1971 to 1974 "New art practice", member of the Bosch+Bosch avantgarde art group in Subotica
  • graduated in art-restauration at the College of Fine Arts / University of Belgrad, 1980, and also studied at the University of Novi Sad (1972-76)
  • 1976 painting / installation / experimental photography / photocopy-art
  • In 1984/85 art director of Új Symposion, a magazine for art and culture in Novi Sad
  • After the take-over in Serbia by nationalists in 1988, removal to West Berlin, Germany
  • Residence in Berlin as an international artist
  • 1997, invited artist in ART/OMI, International Artists' Residency, Omi/New York
  • 1999 Lichtgestalten-project / "false landscapes" / Goethe-Institute Budapest
  • 2000 Avard 1999 - Digitale Fotografie: Elektronische Bildbearbeitung, IG Medien Stuttgart
  • The grant of Kunstfonds / Bonn, Germany
  • "Markers" / International artists' project / 49. Bienniale di Venezia
  • Series of artworks published in the autumn 2002 issue of the "Lettre International" / Berlin
  • 2005 development of a self designed digital pinhole camera without a lens / The first series of art photographs made with a digital pinhole camera

More about my artwork in general and more about one man shows, group exhibitions, and performances at:
