a k t u e l l
a r c h i v
ü b e r   u n s
k o n t a k t
i m p r e s s u m
in der ZeitZone
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Am Ostseeplatz eG
Galerie ZeitZone
Galerie ZeitZone, Adalbertstr. 79, 10997 Berlin. Geöffnet Do Fr Sa ab 19.00
Unsere Räume können für private Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.
4. - 16. Februar 2011

Renato Silva:
"Childhood revisited"

"Childhood revisited" photography project was born from a personal need to confront the visual memories of a grown up man, an artist with the reality and how this reality he had left behind several years ago looks like today.
It's an attempt to give a visual form to something very personal and clearly not material; to transform the deep psychological and emotional value of those places into artistic work of a photographer.
Agnieszka Szwengier
