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Concert | Live Performance
Samstag, 3. August 2019
Sat, August 3rd 2019
Voice Controller Kristi: Concert
Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz: Live Performance
As Voice Controller Kristi, Kristi's music represents a dark undercurrent of Eastern European electro. Layering crystalline vocals over machine-tooled rhythms and bottomless bass, her performances electrify the head with passionate, sensual renditions of songs from the heart.
Her solo project was founded 2005 in London and continued in Berlin from 2010.
Besides her live gigs, Kristi also teaches music production, DJing and sound recording.
Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz
Live Performance / One Person Theater
The aim of the trans-genical and trans-sexual work of Dziemaszkiewicz is to join the opposites and ask questions about the borders between animalism and humanity.
His theatre reaches for feelings, instincts and emotions. Honesty is the main and most important thing. Often used nudity is the manifestation of happiness, naturality and spontaneousness.
Dziemaszkiewicz is an artist living his art every day. As one of the bravest performers in this latitude he combines drag, ritual, dance and cabaret, imposing their role in everyday life.
Theatre is life for Dziemaszkiewicz and can happen anywhere. Boundlessness and uncompromisity towards the social confinement and limitation create the only and non-repeatable language of artistic creation. The art he wants to create in the name of freedom of each human being.