a k t u e l l
a r c h i v
ü b e r   u n s
k o n t a k t
i m p r e s s u m
in der ZeitZone
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Am Ostseeplatz eG
Galerie ZeitZone
Galerie ZeitZone, Adalbertstr. 79, 10997 Berlin. Geöffnet Do Fr Sa ab 19.00
Unsere Räume können für private Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.
27. April - 4. Mai 2018

"Innere Reise"

Emotionale Kreativität (group exihibition)

Can a piece of paper, a canvas, a chalk or a paint brush transmit complex emotions like anguish, fear, bravery, joy or happiness?

We are a group of women which paint emotions. Using various techniques, we explored inside of us and came out surprised of how the same emotion could bring out so different images. A travel which enriches us showing how the different shades of a feeling become glimpses into different worlds which remain however parallel.

We will take you in a visual travel of emotions and feelings discussed and painted during the art class "Emotionale Kreativität". Open your eyes and your soul: You'll find the key to transcend the limit between fantasy and reality.

Elisa Nicolò
Belu Buddung Davies
Margot L. Chatar
Laura Silci
Mariangela Saracino
Alessandra Pascalis

DJ FrancMartorana
DJ Feiner