a k t u e l l
a r c h i v
ü b e r   u n s
k o n t a k t
i m p r e s s u m
in der ZeitZone
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung
Am Ostseeplatz eG
Galerie ZeitZone
Galerie ZeitZone, Adalbertstr. 79, 10997 Berlin. Geöffnet Do Fr Sa ab 19.00
Unsere Räume können für private Veranstaltungen gemietet werden.

Photo by Clemence Jussaume
Samstag 31. August 2013, ab 20 Uhr

"Electric Party Songs"

During Electric Party Songs Open Program performs a flow of songs and actions based on the poetry of American poet Allen Ginsberg (1927-1997). The members of this international group composed and elaborated all of the songs, approaching the meanings, rhythms and sounds of the spoken texts as the seeds of musical and dramatic creation. Their varied backgrounds generate a stylistically diverse body of music, drawing inspiration from blues, rock, pop, opera, punk, and traditional sources. Within this research, the team weaved its investigation into traditional songs from the South of the United States, exploring the ways these songs can trigger performative processes and their potentialities of catalyzing contacts and interactions.